Collection: Wraybros Decks

Wray Bros’ story begins in Glendale, California, where the Wray brothers - Jaz, Jeremy, and Jonas - took turns riding down the local hills, becoming passionate and talented skateboarders along the way. After riding for other companies and designing top selling skateboard products on their behalf for the better part of the last 20 years, Jonas and Jeremy decided it was time to start a brand of their own. They saw a shift happening in the industry and didn’t agree with the direction a lot of the brands were going in. Thus, the Wray Bros skateboard deck was born. Today, the Wray Bros brand is an extension of everything the brothers love about skateboarding, as well as a platform through which they can give back to the skateboard community in a pure and positive way.

Skating is better with your bros. Join the journey and get a Wray Bros skateboard today!

Wraybros Decks

Revisiting the water tower ollie w/Jeremy Wray